Borås C
Etam Cru
Korallpionen & Rickman
Korallpionen & Rickman
Elina Metso
David Zinn
Shai Dahan
Eduardo Kobra
Fintan Magee
Logan Hicks
The city of Borås took upon themselves to create their own urban art festival and that’s how No Limit was born. Over the years it’s taken many shapes and forms and contributed to changing the look of the city. In this route set you up for a speed run around Borås city center to see a bit of its art treasures.

Västgötagatan 4
We start a Borås Central station.
Take a walk to the first stop, a mural created during No Limit 2014 by Swedish artist Ekta. Close by you’ll find a mural by polish Etam Cru. Take note of the excellent use of light in this mural before you continue.
Västgötagatan 4

Värmlandsgatan 22
Next stop is art by Swedish artists Korallpionen and Rickman. In a joint work of art, they’ve combined Rickman’s raw and colorful photorealistic style with Korallpionen’s colorful flowers, plants and animals. This work of art was inspired by material that children in the district of Norrby sent to the artists in advance for them to interpret and then create their work. “There was a lot of ice cream in the pictures so we took inspiration from them when we created the wall" said one of the artists.
Värmlandsgatan 22

Norrby tvärgata 30
Alright, close by you’ll find a work by Q – an artist from Lindesberg, Sweden, whose unique characters often share similar features to those you see in comic books and animated films – colourful and expressive. This work consists of a fantasy animal that goes up in front of a feather - and where the feather talks to the animal. "You know when a feather flutters in front of your face - what were you thinking just before the feather fluttered past?"
Norrby tvärgata 30

Billdalsgatan 2
Further down the street and to your left on Billdalsgatan 2 you’ll find a work by Etile whose easily identifiable style of calligraffiti can be seen here.
Billdalsgatan 2

Viskastrandsgatan 1
After a bit of a stroll we’re standing face to face with the woman depicted in Spanish duo Pichi & Avo’s mural from 2015.
Viskastrandsgatan 1

Akademiplatsen 1
We’ll continue to Dal East majestic bird on the side of Borås University Library. Fun fact: Nepalese artist Dal East painted another bird back in 2015 that, due to renovations, had to be taken down. In 2022 he came back to create a new one.
Akademiplatsen 1

Järnvägsgatan 11
We’ll scoot off to the 3D-art of Peeta made during No Limit 2014. Graffiti writers have always found ways to evolve their craft and the refined technique of creating this 3D effect is a good example of that.
Järnvägsgatan 11

Södra Nybrogatan 2
On Södra Nybrogatan 2 you’ll find one the grand masters of urban art in Europe - Spanish Dulk. This mural of a whimsical scene of odd characters was made in 2015.
Södra Nybrogatan 2

Stora Kyrkogatan 7
Next up is Simple, whose work “The Peacekeeper” keep an eye on Borås night and day.
Stora Kyrkogatan 7

Allégatan 21
Lonac’s mural with apparent meta qualities is an eye-catching sight on Allégatan 21.
Allégatan 21

Stengärdsgatan 37
We'll continue to Stengärdsgatan 37 where we have yet another mural that keeps a watchful eye on the city.
Stengärdsgatan 37

Lilla Brogatan 38
Curiot from Mexico has painted our next mural.
Lilla Brogatan 38

Södra Strandgatan 13
Cross the stream and you’ll find Eduardo Kobra’s colourful portrait of Alfred Nobel.
Södra Strandgatan 13

Hallbergsplatsen 2
A quick walk along the river Viskan takes us to Fintan Magee’s lady, stuck among branches looking towards the sky. How do you interpret the scene?
Hallbergsplatsen 2

Stora Brogatan 11
Last on this tour is the work of Logan Hicks. Watch his night scene panorama made by 5 layers of stencil (!) at Stora Brogatan 11. After this you might head up to the Stora Torget in Borås to see more of what the city has to offer.
Stora Brogatan 11